How Is Tech Being Used to Address Climate Change?

The Paris Agreement is an international climate change treaty seeking to limit global warming to below 2° C, with an aim of below 1.5° C, and achieve a climate-neutral world by 2050. Since the treaty first came into effect in 2016, creating a more sustainable future has become a top priority for nations across the world. Despite this shift in focus, projections from the World Economic Forum suggest that global emissions in 2030 will still be roughly twice as high as needed to limit warming to 1.5° C. The challenge of decarbonizing the planet seems insurmountable at times, but there is hope. Innovative clean-tech solutions hold immense potential and, in many cases, are already accelerating the world towards a cleaner and greener future. Indeed, in the first nine months of 2021 alone, a record-breaking $30.8 billion was invested into climate-focused startups — a figure that is expected to grow in the coming months and years. Here are nine technologies supporting the fight against climate change. 

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