7 Factors That Contribute to a Successful WMS Implementation

If you’re like me, you probably have a to-do list at home that gets more projects added to it than crossed off. For me, such a scenario always brings to mind the Hydra from Greek mythology—an immortal water monster where every time someone cuts off any one of its heads, two more grow back in its place. Unfortunately, important work projects run the risk of morphing into a never-ending to-do list or sometimes taking on the look and feel of a giant Hydra. Once the project is started, obstacles present themselves, priorities or people change, energy deteriorates, and momentum is lost. Just visualizing the finish line gets more and more hazy as the very idea of project completion becomes mired in details and delays. To quote William James (the “Father of American psychology”), “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” One of the best ways to ensure a project’s completion, without losing its initial gusto, is to set an ironclad schedule from the start. Project teams must agree to do everything they can to commit to and stick to the schedule while tracking cost, performance and results. 

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